
2007: That's right - THE New York Times paid us a visit.
How did they find Melbournestyle? These New Yorkers... they don't miss a trick! What did they find in store? For full article on Melbourne click here: NYT Style Magazine Totally Aussie in Melbourne or jump direct to the article DESIGN WITHIN REACH - we're item 5!

NOVEMBER 22, 2013: The ABC's 7.30 REPORT features Alphabet City Melbourne by Maree Coote. And we are so thrilled!! Watch the full story on ABC iview HERE
"Joyous creations for all ages by a pioneer of Melbourne pride."- The Age, August 19, 2017

"Robyn Boid is a bird who dreams of studing architecture. ..Grand replicas of over a dozen famous structures take shape... all resplendently done in twigs." READ ON
"What may not look like an information book at first, certainly is one with an instructional wrting-type that aims to increase knowledge and execution of a unique style of letter art -- fontigrams. The presentation in this book is bold and colourful. It is sturdy and the cover is funky and exciting. Perfect for individual readers and groups of readers, this book will provide hours of word fun for a young readership; engaging time in copying and practising examples for middle readers; and plenty of source material for graphic art skills. It is multi-purpose. Nowadays publishers and creators should invent ingenious ways of presenting information that doesn't look as though it comes from an iPad or website or an ebook. This book is a wonderful example of what can be achieved when they put their soul into it." __ -- from The CBCA Books of the Year Awards Judges' Report 2017.

"This gem of a book is unique, witty and clever, crafting an original narrative approach to introducing non-fiction concepts..." READ ON

"This is a brilliant story designed to bring children closer to art..." READ ON

See more pics from Bologna on instagram HERE
SPELLBOUND is SHORT LISTed in the CBCA Awards 2017 .
Local publisher Melbournestyle Books wins recognition in South Korea's prestigious Nami Island Illustration Awards .

Local publisher Melbournestyle Books wins recognition in Bologna at the world's peak Children's Literature Fair, the Bologna Ragazzi Fiere.


FEB 7, 2017: AGDA Designer Profile Maree Coote
The Australian Graphic Designers Association looks at the work of Melbournestyle founder and designer. READ THE ARTICLE HERE
OCTOBER 31, 2016: ALPHABET CITY ZOO by Maree Coote
This is a great thrill for the small but neatly formed Melbourne independent publisher, Melbournestyle Books run by Coote and partner Lex Ridgeway.
In a field of 1777 entries from 89 nations, Alphabet City Zoo made a shortlist of 150 finalists - and only two of these from Australia. Fingers crossed downunder!

OCTOBER 31, 2016:
SPELLBOUND by Maree Coote
is positively reviewed in the October 31, 2016 issue of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, USA (circ. 16,554). The reviewer calls it: "an eye-catching collection." The complete review follows:
In an eye-catching collection of "letter art," Australian graphic designer Coote reveals how letters can be used not as the building blocks of language but of artwork. A section titled "Architext " features typographic recreations of famous buildings from around the world -- swoopy capital Rs and Ds form the distinctive shells of the Sydney Opera House, for example, with rolling S waves below -- while the second and third sections, "Alphabeasts" and "Letterheads", show how letters can be transformed into portraits of animals and people. Throughout, Coote encourages readers to try their own hand at making letter art, offering pointers, different skill levels and challenges, and information about typography itself. Readers will finish the book both awed and eager to embark on their own typographical experiments. Ages 7-up." -- PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, OCT 31, 2016 USA.

SPELLBOUND by Maree Coote is positively reviewed in the November 1, 2016 issue of USA's 'BOOKLIST' (circ. 24,150). The reviewer calls it "A great source for project ideas." The complete review follows:
"Australian writer, designer, illustrator, and photographer Coote demonstrates the concept of creating art using the alphabet. Following an introduction detailing text styles and typography, Coote explores the presence of letterforms in architecture, animals, and faces. For each section, she offers real-world examples (some photographic), provides design rules at three levels (beginner, advanced, and designer), and makes suggestions for getting started (the letter e can be used as an eye; B makes a great pair of glasses). She encourages young artists to observe objects they encounter to determine which letters hide within; her numerous examples include buildings, animals, and famous individuals from around the world. Color is used effectively throughout, often to set off black lettering. A few faces (Julia Gillard, former prime minister of Australia) will be unknown to U.S. readers, but many Americans are represented as well. A great source for project ideas; fans of Chip Kidd's Go: A Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design (2013) will welcome this title." --KAY WEISMAN, BOOKLIST , USA.
NEW YORK'S KIRKUS REVIEW September 2016: In an intensive review of Spellbound: Making Pictures with the A-B-C, the celebrated Kirkus reviewers conclude: "This large-format, 120-page Australian import is an exhaustive exposition of a unique art form, letter art....the visual puzzles are amusing and intriguing...". Melbournestyle Books believes children can indeed meet that challenge, and ultimately benefit from the bar being raised in their literary and creative explorations.

DONNA DEMAIO'S GOSSIP SHEET: JUNE 28, 2016: "(TIM) Minchin is one of the subjects of new exhibition Spellbound by Maree Coote at Mario's Cafe, Fitzroy which has portraits of famous people including Prince, Molly and Bowie. The difference is that the works are a typographic 'fontigram' made from the letters that spell the person's name. So clever. Until August first."

GSM Magazine MAY 2016: Special issue focussing on Typography. Features Spellbound by Maree Coote. MORE

"Sophisticated, demanding of attention....Spellbound is not the average book in terms of size and presentation nor can it be pigeonholed by the age of readers who will find it fascinating..." - "MORE- Review by Evie Marshall, Magpies.

March 20, 2016: 3AW REMEMBER WHEN
Philip Brady and Simon Owens chat with author and artist Maree Coote about Melbourne, Melbourne's History, and all things Melbournestyle, including maree's new book SPELLBOUND: Making Pictures with the A-B-C. Maree presented Phillip with a portrait of himself, created in Letter Art - using only the netters of his name. PODCAST

March 18, 2016: Tricia Zeimer's MELBOURNE WEEKEND NOTES returns to Melbournestyle...
"If you are looking for the trendiest art scene and gallery, then look no further then MELBOURNESTYLE in South Melbourne. At 155 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne, this store is where the latest Melburniana memorabilia and Melbourne history blends with modern art, home decor, jewellery, books, scarves, and much much more. Artists of Melbourne unite in this scrumptious one stop shop store. "........Read MORE

February 15,2016: READ ME BLOGSITE Louise Owens, bookworm extraordinaire reviews the Launch & Exhibitionof the new book Spellbound: Making Pictures with the A-B-C.
"I love it when companies are doing really interesting things....The book is a very clever book about typography. What Coote does is that she creates images from the letters that spell the name of the subject in the image....'Spellbound' encourages observation, imagination and fuels and interest in typographic design.... Wow! Launched by Melbourne's word guru himself, David Astle, with an exhibition of portraits from the book, it was a great evening."- Louise Owens, READ ME ...MORE HERE

February 28,2016: SUNDAY ARTS David Hunt and Brendan Bale join Daniel to chat with typographer/illustrator Maree Coote about the Spellbound Portrait Exhibition, partnering the launch of her new book Spellbound: Making Pictures with the A-B-C.

February 26,2016: MORNINGS with JON FAINE Roving Reporter Clare Rawlinson interviews typographer/illustrator Maree Coote about the Spellbound Portrait Exhibition, partnering the launch of her new book Spellbound: Making Pictures with the A-B-C.

February 17,2016: THE WEEKLY REVIEW
"JUST YOUR TYPE ...Look closely at the collage of images on the cover of this new book; they're cleverly shaped by typographic fonts. Author and illustrator Maree Coote sees typography in pictures, in a kind of self-devised "letter art". Her latest release, Spellbound, contains 120 pages of wittily interpreted Australian buildings, animals and people. B-R-I-L-L." - Miranda Tay, Weekly Review

February 16,2016: RRR SMART ARTS Oslo Davis is in the chair for Richard this week, where he'll talk typographic portraiture with Maree Coote ahead of her Spellbound exhibition.......MORE

February 5, 2016: Meet The Illustrator: Maree Coote The wonderful Susan Whelan finds out how books happen! READ ON

January 21, 2016: Breakfast with Red Symons
"Mmn ... A very pretty book!"
Chatting with author Maree Coote, about her new book SPELLBOUND.

December 19, 2015: Television Producer & Photojournalist Tricia Zeimer has a passion for sharing adventures in and around Melbourne. She discovers Melbournestyle here: MELBOURNE WEEKEND NOTES
"Tucked in the lovely streets of South Melbourne is a shop that holds treasure beyond what lies in our Australian National Treasury with one small difference. You can get to it and buy, buy, buy all these special treasures. "........Read MORE

Photo: Richard Cornish
July 3, 2015: We are THRILLED that The Age's Richard Cornish has included Melbournestyle in his Six Top Reasons to visit South Melbourne....
"5. Melburniana. When tourists ask their hotel concierge where they can get souvenirs designed and made in Melbourne they are directed to Melbournestyle. This is the shop of designer Maree Coote, known for her flying tram logo. Here you'll find cards, homewares, prints and her award-winning books. Upstairs is a gallery of Maree's prints, at present showing her works inspired by the Ned Kelly legend and the disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain.
155 Clarendon St, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 11am-4pm, 9696 8445,"
See the other 5 ReasonsHERE then come on down south!
Thanks, Spectrum; Thanks, The Age; Thanks, Mr Cornish.

JUNE 2015: READ ME - Wow! Brilliant Sydney blogger LOUISE OWENS reviews The Melbourne Book: READ ON...

MAY 2015: READ ME - Sydney-based READ ME's creator and blogger LOUISE OWENS interviews author MAREE COOTE about books and influences....READ ON...

MARCH, 2014: SLOW magazine features a lengthy EXTRACT from The Melbourne Book by Maree Coote. READ ARTICLE HERE

MARCH, 2014: SLOW magazine reviews The Melbourne Book by Maree Coote: "It's hard to imagine a more heart felt love letter to a city - a series of passionate essays, historical tidbits, celebrity quotes and evocative photographs that all pay homage to Melbourne rich cultural melting pot."......READ FULL REVIEW HERE.

KIDS BOOK REVIEW OCTOBER 5, 2014 KBR Editor Susan Whelan reviews ALPHABET CITY ZOO and LETTERS FROM MELBOURNE, two new books for children by Maree Coote
"Both books are bright, colourful and clever..a wonderful way of exploring the alphabet with young children who are at the stage of familiarising themselves with different letters,"
Read the full article HERE

SEPTEMBER 6, 2014:THE AGE - Melbourne legend Laurence Money interviews Maree Coote about her passion for the rich history of her beloved home town....READ ARTICLE HERE

SEPTEMBER 6, 2014:SYDNEY MORNING HERALD : Maree Coote's never-ending love affair with MelbourneREAD ARTICLE HERE
Thanks for the HOT review Tot: Hot or Not!
We're very glad you enjoyed the day!

JUNE 5, 2014:WEEKLY REVIEW: Sara Marinos interviews Maree Coote about the evolution of our city and her recent book The Melbourne Book: A History of Now, Edition 4 READ ARTICLE HERE

MAY 29, NEW YORK CITY: Maree Coote delivers an informal talk in the Algonquin Hotel Manhattan- the very home of Dorothy Parker's round table - to the Australian Women in New York
on her award winning book.

APRIL, 2014:AUSTRALIAN WRITER magazine features The Melbourne Book: A History of Now, Edition 4 in interview with author Maree Coote. READ ARTICLE HERE (page 8)
Interview by Caroline Larfargue of ABC Radio International chats with artist Maree Coote about her Ned Kelly Series:
'Ned Kelly: justicier au grand coeur ou assassin sans scrupules?'
Or in English.... 'Australian hero or notorious criminal - who is the real Ned Kelly?'

FEBRUARY, 2014: MELBOURNE"S CHILD magazine interviews Alphabet City Melbourne author Maree Coote. READ ARTICLE HERE

FEBRUARY 11,2014: PS NEWS reviews Alphabet City Melbourne "Here's a unique way to go on an alphabetically-inspired trip around Melbourne and a fun way to educate children up to five years of age........Even grown-ups will be inspired to keenly bond with their visual environment as they see outlines of familiar landmarks!"
"Our bext seller in January was 'When You Go To Melbourne' by Maree Coote. Stylish, informative and fun!"
The Little Bookroom

JANUARY 14,2014: The Sydney Morning Herald & The Saturday Age Traveller asks Melbournestyle author adn artist Maree Coote about her fave destinations - other than Melbourne. You mean there are other places????.

JANUARY 6, 2014: Bibilopotamus reviews Alphabet City Melbourne:
"Listen up Melbourne parents! I think I have found the perfect book for you. I was at a first birthday party on the weekend and one of the stand out presents was Maree Coote's 'Alphabet City Melbourne' (Board Book).....The kids loved it and even a few of the adults (me included) issued sqwarks of delight when we found a letter we recognised. What could be better?"
Thank you Bibliopotamus!

DECEMBER 13, 2013: The AGE... Ray Edgar outlines 'Graphic guidlines for 21st century kiddies'
Alphabet City Melbourne
"...Maree Coote's Alphabet City Melbourne finds letters in the most obscure places. The book provides two challenges: Work out the often abstract letters expressed in the city's characters then try to recognise which parts of the city the photographed letters are from."- Ray Edgar

DECEMBER 11, 2013: The West Australian reviews The Melbourne Book HERE
REVIEW: "More in-depth than a travel book and more fun than a history book. The Melbourne Book: A History of Now peels back the glossy tourist brochure facade of many such publications to uncover a city of substance. Artist, designer and author Maree Coote has taken the minutiae of the world's most liveable city, such as its weather and its invention of Vegemite, and turned them into a unique story of Melbourne and its people.
Comprising a collection of interviews and more than 700 colour photographs, The Melbourne Book is perfect for not only fans of the city but also fans of Australian history and culture." - Heather Zubeck, 'Under Review', BOOKS, The West Australian

DECEMBER 12, 2013: KIDS VOICE Magazine reviews Alphabet City Melbourne HERE

DECEMBER 11, 2013: Alphabet Street reviews Alphabet City Melbourne HERE

DECEMBER 6,2013: The Weekend Australian TRAVEL asks Maree for the Insiders tips on Melbourne...

DECEMBER 5, 2013:
And here's the KBR Alphabet City Melbourne BOOK REVIEW: EXCERPT:
"I love the concept of Alphabet City Melbourne and I think it has an appeal that extends beyond the toddler and preschooler audience that the board book form implies.... Alphabet City Melbourne is a book that inspires children to look at their world with fresh eyes, to see shapes and forms in familiar buildings and structures and to actively engage with their visual environment..." - Susan Whelan, KIDS BOOK REVIEW
And again..."I love Alphabet City Melbourne".- Susan Whelan KBR

NOVEMBER 27, 2013: Kids Books Review INTERVIEW with Maree Coote author of Alphabet City Melbourne ... EXCERPT: "I try to get people to take up noticing, which I think is a dying pastime and fast losing favour with the e-distracted young. With their indoor lifestyles, prescribed entertainments, and with their heads stuck in screens and devices. At worst they'll get hit by a tram, at second worst they'll miss out completely on their own time and place. This is their city, their time, their place, and their story. They should own it." READ ON...

NOVEMBER 27, 2013: Mother Driven reviews Alphabet City Melbourne HERE

NOVEMBER 26, 2013:Our kidz reviews Alphabet City Melbourne

NOVEMBER 19,2103: Reviews The Melbourne Book and Alphabet City Melbourne
4 stars for The Melbourne Book

NOVEMBER 21,2013"A stunning hardcover book with colour photos throughout, this non-fiction gem covers all aspects of this magnificent city: Melbourne.... My rating = **** - Carpe Librum!"

NOVEMBER 19,2013: Alphabet City Melbourne review by Lisa Hills School Stuff.
"Alphabet City Melbourne is one of the cleverest little books I've come across....What makes it so clever is that each letter is hidden in an image, aİphoto taken ofİsome place orİobjectİin Melbourne....But the tricky ones are the ones that our Preps really liked.İ I lent this book to one of our prep teachers, and she had a splendid time (and did some very useful revision of letters andİsounds) with her class....Our preps know that they're pretty clever because they can read now, but they were apparently beside themselves with excitement when they were able to puzzle these letters out.İ (And I think their teacher enjoyed it just as much as they did!)...." READ ON

NOVEMBER 6, 2013:Veronica Ridge writes:'Alphabet City Melbourne is a unique children's book highlights Melbourne's diverse architectural design....' read on!

NOVEMBER 15, 2013: Melbourne mamma loves our new baby book Alphabet City Melbourne.
mamma mia's must haves

OCTOBER 23,2013: "Maree Coote's guide to Melbourne is as extensive as it is passionate." - ARTS HUB reviews The Melbourne Book :A History of Now . "This isn't a history of or guide to Melbourne you'll read cover-to-cover and feel all the richer for it. It's an affectionate guide to the city and everything it offers and, like its subject, something you can enjoy at your leisure. You explore its pages the way you do a city: see something, think 'oh, that's interesting' and then experience it.
'There's a pretty great city out there,' Coote seems to say. 'Go have a look.'
I'm inclined to agree." - CORY ZANONI, ARTS HUB Full review here

OCTOBER 10,2013: Jan and David, (the Pomeranz and Stratton of Melbourne radio!) from 3CR's PUBLISHED OR NOT Books Program interview Maree Coote about the brand new edition of The Melbourne book, and other recent and upcoming titles by Maree. (What a privilege to enjoy a full half hour chat with this duo! -MC). Click here to hear the podcast: Published or Not

Australian Writers Centre Interviews Maree Coote
OCTOBER 28, 2013: The Australian Writers Centre interviews Maree Coote about her new edtion of The Melbourne BookHERE

Time Out reviews the new The Melbourne Book
 OCTOBER 2,2013: The Melbourne Book celebrates the world's most liveable city. Gabrielle Easter goes to Melbournestyle, the design studio behind it... Full review HERE
TimeOut interviews Melbournestyle

APRIL 27,2013: The Saturday Age Life&Style's Mary O'Brien interviews Melbournestyle author and artist Maree Coote in My Secret Melbourne.
Melbournestyle selected by Mapple Magazine Australia 2014.

Melbournestyle is privileged to be one of only three Melbourne retailers featured in this guide! What an honour. Thanks to Mapple Magazine for finding us. Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu. Here is our thanks:

Melbournestyle taken to the world!
MARCH, 2013: BS JAPAN TV filmed a segment at Melbournestyle, as part of their TV Special on Australia and Melbourne entitled: Travelling Through Magnificent Scenery which went to air in Japan w/c March 12, 2013. We were beamed into over 30 million homes in Japan! Yes, that's the correct figure! How exciting!
Melbournestyle is so thrilled to be the only Melbourne retailer featured in this entire film! We are so honoured to be included. Thanks to Oceapro Films for finding us. The crew were wonderful. Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu.

MARCH, 2013: The Cityof Melbourne interviews Maree Coote, at the launch of her new children's book, 'When You Go To Melbourne' at Melbournestyle Gallery.
MAR, 2013: Melbourne Observer reviews Melbournestyle Books' new title:
WHEN YOU GO TO MELBOURNE. Big thanks to the marvellous Di Rolle for her interest and support.
JAN, 2013: The Little Bookroom has devoted their window to Melbournestyle Books' new title:
WHEN YOU GO TO MELBOURNE by Maree Coote, and the wonderful Jess has created this knockout window for the Degraves Street store inspired by our book. Thanks to Leesa and her team at LBR!

Thanks to The Age - 'Bookmarks' for their acknowledgement of Melbournestyle's latest publication, THE ART OF BEING MELBOURNE, and its recent award.
"CONGRATULATIONS to Maree Coote, who has won the major prize in the Victorian Community History Awards for her book The Art of Being Melbourne, which chronicles in a beautiful and original way the development and history of Melbourne over 200 years or so via its representation in art." - Jason Steger, The Age, 27 October, 2012.
The title won the Royal Historical Society of Victoria's 2012 Community History Award, generously funded by the Public Records Office of Victoria.
And again in:

The book "chronicles in a beautiful and original way the development and history of Melbourne over 200 years...via its representation in art." - Bookmarks, Oct 27, 2012.

MARCH, 2012: BOOKGRRL reviews The Art of Being Melbourne... "It is more than an art book and more than a history of Melbourne. It offers multiple perspectives on a city at a particular point in time by a myriad of talented people. If you love art and Melbourne, this is the book for you...." READ MORE at BOOKGRRL

MAY 2012: 05.03.12
The Melbourne Book author, Maree Coote returns to Breakfasters to chat about her newest book about the city, The Art of Being Melbourne. Maree shares her experience of putting together the book, which features portraits of Melbourne's urban spaces and makes an argument for what she considers Melbourne's most iconic landmark.
Listen to RRR interview here
 IN THIS ISSUE, a review of Maree Coote's new book: 'The Art of Being Melbourne'. "A flick-through gallery that not only charts the tone and progress of the southern capital but spins the history with fresh perspective. Stroll its streets, get caught in its rain, take its trams and dip your toe in its bay via brush and canvas. Moody, marvellous informative."
 IN THIS ISSUE, Melbourne writers including Maree Coote contribute their suggestions for Christmas and New Year reading.
 THIS ISSUE Excerpt from The Art of Being Melbourne by Maree Coote.

JANUARY 2012: Megan Backouse of The Age reviews Melbournestyle and interviews Maree Coote. Life & Style ARTS 28Jan 2012
WOMAN'S DAY:: Dec 2011
 ...features Melbournestyle and the French Bull Platters... Thanks Style File and Womans Day!

is a brilliant addition to Melbourne's landscape.
We are thrilled to be there in Edition Two, read on...
MARIE CLAIRE ITALIA says Si! to The Melbourne Book by Melbournestyle Books
Marie Claire Italia, which is, like, the best of French and the best of Italian, says The Melbourne Book, by Melbournestyle Books, is the best read you can get on Melbourne. Well, we say the same thing - how about that? read on...
 Skyward, Japan Airline's inflight magazine, focusses on Australia. This stylish look at what makes Australia so enticing includes Melbournestyle and the delights of our home grown city-centric design. Domo arigato, JAL! See it here
INSIDEOUT gets inside Melbournestyle!
 Australia's own style bible chooses the Melbourne Scarves as Editors Choice: "A City souvenir has rarely looked so smart!" See it here

"Dedicated to showcasing an array of Melburniana, founders Maree Coote and Lex Ridgeway offer a well-edited collection of products for the native and tourist alike. Spanning beautifully-packaged Melbourne map soaps and charming kangaroo chopstick rests to fashionable silk scarves and beaded baubles, the assortment represents some of the city's finest artists and designers."-
"There is a time and place for a good souvenir. These really are the most interesting and well-designed souvenir-style gifts I have come across." - THE DESIGN FILES

The Design Files (the webs' most gorgeous collection of information objects and style) has just featured Melbournestyle. We know once you taste The Design Files you'll be addicted!

"A great big love letter to Melbourne!"
In October 2010 interview with the Breakfasters on Melbourne's funkiest RRR FM radio Melbourne, author Maree Coote enjoyed 15 minutes chatting about the book with DJs Fee-B, Ben and Jess who declared The Melbourne Book 'a great big love letter to Melbourne!' PODCAST here.

OMG! OPRAH! According to The Age, (Sat.18/9/10 P.7 news) Melbournestyle's own Melbourne Scarves are the pefect gift for Oprah. And we agree of course.
And so we went to Dinner with Oprah's peeps:
 More Oprah here...
"Here is much more than a store, it is a history lesson, a celebration of all that is uniquely Victorian (including Ned Kelly), somewhere to lose yourself and delight in the sheer creativity on offer (tasteful creativity, of course, in true Melbourne style). It makes souvenir places seem very tacky in comparison. On Clarendon Street South Melbourne, it's the first and only experience of its kind. A visit to Melbournestyle is a must do." - Extract from RACV's 101 Best things to do in Victoria

"There are no flippant inclusions.Everything has a reason for being - a connection to Melbourne or Melbourne people who are doing something special." - MELBOURNE LIVING Magazine, August 2009 Thanks to the fabulous people at Melbourne Living magazine for their tribute to our tribute to Melbourne.
"E' negozio e galleria questo spot avviato con successo dall'artista Maree Coote, specializzato esattamente nel Melbourne style: arte, moda e oggettistica, tutto disegnato e realizzato in citta." - Review :Italia Blogosfere

We also had a visit from JAPAN-VIC.TOURISM Inbound Shopping Guide. This well-researched industry handbook is the ultimate resource for inbound Japanese tour operators, and features melbournestyle as its lead store, while its cover features our legendary Melbourne Cups and Saucers. They even named it after us! Domo Arigatoo Gozaimasu! (Not available to local Aussie shoppers - but you don't need it - you already know where we are, right? )

Meanwhile, back here at home, since they first found us in Home Beautiful , the Home Beauties have visited time and again with their fab shoping tours (see below). HOME BEAUTIFUL has listed melbournestyle in the legendary STYLE HUNTER Shopping Guide...So you can grab a copy (free with the latest issue) and visit us along with all the other top-shoppable spots in Melbourne in one go. Look forward to seeing you in your safari suits soon. Thanks to the gorgeous gals at Home Beautiful - we are very chuffed to be included in their guide. See you soon.

Triple R Sponsor

2013 FINALIST, The Melbourne Award Melbournestyle founder Maree Coote is named as one of 5 finalists in the 2013 Melbourne Awards Contribution to Profile by an Individual.

2008 BEST Specialty Retailer Category Port Phillip Glen Eira Leader Business Acheiver Awards 2008
2008 FINALIST The Melbourne Awards

2008 FINALIST Port Phillip Business Excellence Awards

2007 WINNER Best New Business Specialty Retailer Category, Leader Business Acheiver Awards
2007 WINNER Best Business Under 50 Employees Category, Leader Business Acheiver Awards.

The PORT PHILLIP LEADER features Melbournestyle's Melbourne Cups too ...
"EVERYTHING IN THE GALLERY PLAYS ON MELBOURNE'S UNIQUE SENSE OF HUMOUR AND CULTURE THROUGH CLEVER OBJECTS." melbournestyle's domestic sculpture was profiled here in the EMERALD HILL WEEKLY's Retail Therapy column - the tag of 'Arte-facts and fictions' being uncannily close to what we are all about!
Once more, THANKS to all who have helped bring our message of place, style, art and history to the wider world.
If you have some good news about Melbourne, email us and we'll post your news and /or links right here.

LETTERHEADS -- Fontigrams . A brand new collection of LImited edition giclee prints on paper.
Featuring legendary rock and blues musicians and more. LImited edition of only 10 of each design!
Upstairs at Melbournestyle Gallery. 155 Clarendon Street South Melbourne
5.30-7pm, 25 JULY
303 Brunswick Street

by Maree Coote
WILL BE LAUNCHED at the Melbournestyle Gallery Upstairs on Saturday February 3rd at 2-4pm.
Includes Kids activities and book reading
Suits ages 5-11
Book a place on 9696 8445

ISBN 9780992491741
ROBYN BOID: ARCHITECT: is the tale of an ambitious young bird who dreams of an architectural career. It's fun and funky and a great way to discover architecture .
"Kids can love architecture, and this book proves that!" -- Robyn Archer, AO.
Melbourne's Best Bookshop Windows

(Above: The Avenue Bookstore)

(Above: Readings)
...Featuring SPELLBOUND by Maree Coote
NEW! Another Melbourne first!
 Put Melbourne the the heart of every child's reading experience, with this ingenious new typographic design book, made in Melbourne.
"I've always wanted to be a man of letters. This is very cool indeed." -TIM MINCHIN, (Matilda) Musician, Actor, Comedian & Writer

Here come the trams.... NEW!
New Collection Melbourne Prints & Cards

A new collection of cards and wraps to make your Melbourne gifts come alive with personality.
The Big Emus - new works
Exhibition: August 2015
Upstairs at Melbournestyle Gallery, The Emus, a new series of prints continuing a theme of Australia flora and fauna. More here.
New York Gold for The Melbourne Book

Melbournestyle Books is proud to announce a Gold Award for the New York Independent Publishers Award - Best Regional Non-Fiction, 2015. See the book HERE

Mid Century Modern Delicious design by Noritake IN STORE at Melbournestyle
New M-E-L-B soaps.
Spell your way to cleanliness... Four Bars gets you there, Eight bars buys you the whole city!
Lightly scented clay soap, all wrapped up in glorious colour, designed and made right here in Melbourne, by Melbournestyle.
Melbournestyle Coasters
A great little pressie, a set of 6 coasters, featuring the Melbourne Building Sketches by Maree Coote.
Available in basic black wrap or dressed up for Christmas:

Letter Art by Maree Coote. A unique new form of creative typography and feature of two new books Letters From Melbourne and Alphabet City Zoo.
prints now available at Melbournestyle Gallery Downstairs - MORE'

NEW stocks have arrived!
Phew! The Art of Being Melbourne....Out of print for a few months there... but stocks have finally arrived of the ideal Melbourne corporate gift. More HERE
"No city has ever had a better or more ingenious ambassador!" ‚ PHILLIP ADAMS, AO Broadcaster ABC RN

Letters from Melbourne NEW! - A brand new book from Maree Coote
In yet another expression of a seemingly inexhaustible sense of place, this time author/illustrator Maree Coote takes us on a romp around Melbourne through a brand new design language, invented by the author. Pictures are made from letter puzzles, and spelling takes on a whole new dimension in the form of a letter hunt. SEE MORE HERE

Alphabet City Zoo NEW! - A brand new book from Maree Coote
An ingenious new book that explores a whole new launguage of graphic design. Featuring both Australian and world animals, the pictures are made from letter puzzles, and spelling takes on a whole new dimension in the form of a letter hunt. SEE MORE HERE
Add a touch of W-Class...
Tram and Manchester Unity Building cushions...
Designed by Maree Coote exclusively for Melbournestyle. MORE CUSHIONS HERE

Discover Yesterday
The Royal Historical Society of Victoria wants you! Join today to discover a treasure trove of stories and share in a passion for the past. Great talks, great people. Become a member HERE.
Don't forget Melbourne's babies!

ALPHABET CITY MELBOURNE. Dubbed the 'son of the Melbourne Book' this chunky little reader is a great way to learn the letters of the A-B-C while getting to know the city. Hopefully this will create colourful, visual and lasting memories in Melbourne's tinier minds. See inside the book HERE.

Also check out Melbournestyle's newest venture,, and help us explore the world through images and connections with other photographers.
Made by Melbournestyle

unfinished business
Spread the word to raise awareness and promote the need for recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution. Australian voters will be required to spearhead the change and bring the Australian Constitution into the 21st century, and recognise the unique cultures of Australia's First Peoples.İ It takes a majority of voters in a majority of states to vote 'yes' to make the change, and the barriers are high ‚ so we say spread the word, get informed.
Learn more here at
ANTAR factsheet on constitutional reform
the Melbourne cushions
 Comfort city... Finding meaning in Melbourne's history, Maree Coote has explored another city block. It's all there in Black and White, $95 . NEW cushion collection made in Melbourne.
Made by Melbournestyle
Don't forget the Tsunami...
... and our friends in Japan. It's been a long time between sakes, but Melbournestyle owes much to Japan. We have been blessed by treasured Japanese friends, exquisite Japanese design, unforgettable Japanese travel, life-changing Japanese insights, even our brand name is inspired by very special Japanese friends. Let's not even mention the world's freshest cuisine. So now's our chance to give back to our much-loved Japanese friends in their time of need.
You can too - if you can help Japan, click here or go to your Commonwealth bank to donate. Doomo Arigatoo...Ki wo tsukete, minna san.
Melbournestyle is proud to acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, traditional owners of the land from which we create our wonderful Melbourne-inspired stories and designs.
MAP re CBD Closer MAP
That's it for now.
Stay gorgeous, Ms MELBA x

And if that's not enough culture for you in one hit, here's more.
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